BUFFALO AirStation HighPower N600 Gigabit Dual Band Wireless Router - WZR-HP-AG300H, the product is offered to meet the growing want of our buyers and to make their life less complicated. We treat our goods as we would an employee, having a job to do, a expense for the company, plus a benefit to our buyers. Our BUFFALO AirStation HighPower N600 Gigabit Dual Band Wireless Router - WZR-HP-AG300H is no longer the province of wholesalers, retail dealers and those with unique membership with us. Now our web site is where any person can browse, try, acquire and get to know the product and its worth, although we aim to meet the altering needs of our buyers.
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goods like BUFFALO AirStation HighPower N600 Gigabit Dual Band Wireless Router - WZR-HP-AG300H can make it feasible for users to have the lifestyle they want. All based on the notion that they don't have to invest plenty of money. This is particularly developed for all those who are into it for good quality and cost. The BUFFALO has worked with their team introduced this product for the marketplace, are as interested as the buyers when it comes to making sure it endures long-term usage.
We think that no discussion of this product is full without having such as the evaluations from real buyers that have bought them for our customers' perusal. The accurate value, the genius, the very capability of our product is that it's adaptable and in a position to incorporate essence of new suggestions. To deliver high-quality product that conveys the worthiness of our existence is our job and component of our offerings that any person paying for has every proper to anticipate. Our customer service representatives are determined to build an environment of trust and understanding. And take a genuinely eclectic approach to address queries concerning the product that we offer which is a tremendous asset to our buyers, personally and economically.
Buffalo's AirStation Nfiniti Wireless-N High Power Dual Band Router & Access Point WZR-HP-AG300H is a versatile dual band solution, ideal for the home and small office environments. Offering simultaneous wireless operation on both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands, the WZR-HP-AG300H is perfect for streaming HD movies, music and e-mailing from multiple devices at the same time. Coupled with High Power technology, including an onboard power amplifier and optimized antenna, the WZR-HP-AG300H provides exceptional range and increased performance at range. With five gigabit ports and wireless speeds up to 300 Mbps on each band, the WZR-HP-AG300H upgrades any existing wireless connection and provides greater coverage than traditional 802.11n. Additionally, WZR-HP-AG300N can be configured as an access point to create a wireless network on an existing network or two units can be used to create a dedicated, high-performance Wireless-N bridge or repeater, great for extending the range of existing wireless networks.
- High Power Dual Band Design with High Speed Wireless Performance
- Powered by DD-WRT
- Multi-level Wireless Security Support
- 10/100/1000 Mbps, Auto Sensing
- Adjustable Antenna
- Easy Setup
- Fast wired connections with Gigabit Ethernet support
- Greater Coverage with Wireless Bridging (WDS)
- Speeds 10/100/1000 Mbps, Auto Sensing
- Supports Multiple Wireless Standards
- Wi-Fi Certied
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