Our Current ZyXEL NBG4615 300Mbps Wireless N Gigabit Router Is Going to Make Your Daily Life Even better
The moment you purchased the first ZyXEL NBG4615 300Mbps Wireless N Gigabit Router you most likely believed that it absolutely was likely to help save you both time and cash, after all this was in fact the whole factor behind the purchase of a item to start with. While it's true those first models did make a difference and make your life a little easier, at ZyXEL we thought that it just was not adequate. You warranted something that was not just likely to help you save time, but would make your life more effective.
Although there are lots of alternative ZyXEL NBG4615 300Mbps Wireless N Gigabit Router currently available, we feel that what we have done is considered the most beneficial components of all of the different products on the market and used them to produce our most recent version. A very important factor which we did notice with so many of the other products in the marketplace is they make an effort to impress you with long lists of "special" features that they have added in.
Our latest ZyXEL NBG4615 300Mbps Wireless N Gigabit Router includes its own list of options, but instead than loading it up that includes a lots of pointless features, we invested in incorporating just those our consumers told us they preferred. We then focused on making sure that each of these capabilities functioned correctly, so that you would ultimately be able to pick the one product that was made with just one thing in mind which is to save no expense when making Your Daily Life simply that little bit better than it was.
Click here to visit the ZyXEL NBG4615 300Mbps Wireless N Gigabit Router full review & compare prices
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Enjoying real-time multimedia couldn't be easier. The high-performance NBG4615 quickly delivers video streams, data transfer and gaming with whole-home coverage. Simply connect Gigabit Ethernet capable devices such as network storage appliances, PCs, or wireless devices like laptop or mobile phones to the NBG4615, and you can easily enjoy optimized multimedia delivery. With Net USB support, the NBG4615 allows users to share up to two USB-equipped devices over the home network. With two built-in USB ports, the NBG4615 can share printers or USB storage devices as if the devices were connected directly to each other's local PC. Simply plug the USB devices into the NBG4615 to share them among family members anywhere in the house. This saves money that would have been spent on redundant peripherals. The Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) technology employed by the NBG4615 automatically prioritizes different network traffic types to optimize performance for enhanced audio, video and voice experience over wireless networks. In addition, as the configurable QoS technology ensures smooth delivery of gaming, video streaming, VoIP and downloading, your most important requests receive the best priority given.
- High performance wireless N Gigabit router optimizes multimedia streaming
- NetUSB shares USB mass storages and printers wirelessly
- Configurable QoS ensures optimal bandwidth for preferred network applications
- Friendly user interface for fast function navigation and setup
- Online auto-upgrade firmware service for convenient feature enhancements- WPS button for quick and easy wireless security setup
- Easy-to-extend wireless network coverage with any existing AP
- Net USB shares USB mass storages and printers wirelessly
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