Currently Feature the most up-to-date Diamond Multimedia 300Mbps 802.11n Wireless Range Extender (WR300N) From manufacturer
It's with great satisfaction which we are able to publicize the fact that we now have the most up-to-date Diamond Multimedia 300Mbps 802.11n Wireless Range Extender (WR300N) provided by manufacturer. Though there are lots of styles exactly like it, you are likely to find that none are going to offer you as much bang for your buck as the most up-to-date type through such a respectable company. Only when you get the highly recommended brand such as this one can you feel that your hard earned cash has been well spent.
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $59.99
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Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours
So, what exactly is it concerning this particular Diamond Multimedia 300Mbps 802.11n Wireless Range Extender (WR300N) which places it inside a type of its own? In this particular situation you are likely to notice that coming from this sort of well-known producer ensures that you happen to be choosing a product which has a good reputation for superior quality products. Other sorts of copy cats appear and disappear leaving a trail of dissatisfied customers, once you buy one produced by manufacturer, you recognize you are able to count on continually getting the finest quality item available.
Not simply are we content to be able to include the Diamond Multimedia 300Mbps 802.11n Wireless Range Extender (WR300N) to our catalog of fantastic products, but we're pleased to have the ability to offer the item to you at this type of fantastic cheap price. You may well be capable of finding this version elsewhere, but you're not likely to find the item at the unbelievably cheap price we've got it for sale for as a consequence of our unique buying power. At a price that is this reduced, you are going to get a good product and real value for your money.
The WR300N device can take an existing 802.11n wireless signal, repeat and send it to a longer range where it is too far away for the router or access point to reach. It eliminates the cable wires while providing the same reliable network connection. It can repeat and extend the wireless signal from virtually any 802.11n wireless router or access point that is launched on the market. It is backwards compatible with the 802.11b/g router or access point.
- Receives weak wireless signals and extends the signal range to greater distances eliminating wireless dead spots
- Create a wireless network by connecting the device to a wired router/cable modem or DSL modem
- Receives wireless signal from your home wireless network and convert to wired Ethernet connections for non wireless devices such as internet ready
- Supports wireless 802.11b/g/n standards with one 10/100Base-T Ethernet port
- HDTV's, gaming consoles (PS3) and internet ready blue ray players
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