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Asus RT-N16 Gigabit Wireless Router w/ USB Storage & Printer & Media Server
- Powerful CPU provides a high-performance throughput; Support up to 300,000 sessions for extensive P2P clients
- Network Standard: IEEE80211b, IEEE80211g, IEEE80211n Draft; Interface: WAN: 1x RJ45 for 10/100/1000 BaseT
- USB: 2x USB20; Antenna: 3x external antenna; Operating Frequency: 24 ~ 25 GHz
- Sensitivity: ANT0 -75dBm, ANT1 -75dBm (at 54Mbps data rate), Firewall: NAT and SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection)
- Encryption: Supports 64/128-bit WEP; WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK; WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise; Radius with 8021x